utorak, 26. ožujka 2013.

Discover Dubrovnik

Projekt koji je započeo na sveučilištu je postao koristan serijal kratkih dokumentarnih filmova o Dubrovniku. U nekoliko minuta koliko pojedina od 11 epizoda traje, saznajte osnove o Stradunu, gradskim zidinama, luci Gruž, četvrtima i sličnim manje ili više poznatim dijelovima Dubrovnika.

What started as a college project turned out to a very useful series of short documentaries about Dubrovnik. Discover Dubrovnik has 11 episodes about more and less known parts of Dubrovnik. In couple of minutes you can see the overview of the most important facts about Stradun, city walls, Port of Gruž, neighborhoods of Dubrovnik etc. The series is available with English subtitles as well, so turn them on their icon in the bottom of the screen if they do not start automatically.